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Hi-Seal 520 Refill 2oz.
Hi-Seal 520 Ink Refill - 2oz. Bottle |
Artline Hi-Seal Industrial inks are formulated to perform under the harshest conditions encountered in today's manufacturing world. This ink has a 10 second dry time, and is perfect for use in self-inking industrial stamps. For use on all non-porous surfaces.
*Note: This ink can only be used in the Hi-Seal Series stamp pads and can only be used by "REAL RUBBER" Traditional Stamps. If used on any other type of rubber stamp, it will damage the rubber.
This ink is NOT for use with the following stamps - Xstamper, XstamperVX, ClassiX or F-Series.
Recommendations: Re-ink your stamp pad overnight to allow the ink to fully absorb into the stamp pad.
This refill ink cannot be shipped by air.
Recommended Uses:
Hi-Seal 520 #2 Ink Pads Item# 881461 Thru 881468
Hi-Seal 520 #3 Ink Pads Item# 882461 Thru 882468
Hi-Seal 520 #4 Ink Pads Item# 883461 Thru 883468
Use on all Non-Porous Surfaces
"REAL RUBBER" Traditional Stamps
10 Second Dry Time
Resistant to Mild Solvents
  Refill Ink Colors Available
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